Do you find yourself feeling calmer, more relaxed, or more focused after spending time in nature?
That’s because time outside has studied and proven benefits for your mental health.
Getting outdoors doesn’t have to be a lot of work. There are lots of simple ways you can get quality time in nature.
Nature can generate many positive emotions, such as calmness, joy, and creativity and can facilitate concentration.
Nature walks help combat stress while improving
mental well-being.
Want to take your walk to the next level? Try forest bathing.
Regular use of natural areas for physical activity can reduce the risk of mental health problems by 50%. Completing activities like walking, cycling, jogging, or
doing yoga in a natural environment makes you
happier than in the city.
Engage your senses to maximize the health benefits of being outside. Breathe deep, as the scent of fresh pine has been shown to lower stress and anxiety.
Currently have a SMART home all Female home in Yarrabilba close to public transport, shops, cafe's and all accessible parklands. For more info email